Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dear God

I'm a ship sailing at night looking for the lighthouse, There is fog everywhere. Do I go left or right? So much confusion and chaos. There is a storm raging in the background and I'm lost. Can you save me from the storm? I just want to let everything go and just live. I just want to be happy. I have so much joy in my life but I'm trapped in the fog. God, please rescue me from this storm. Guide me to the path you want me to follow. Heal my heart and make me whole again. I'm so angry and sad all the time. Oh God, I can't see past the fog. I turned my back on you a long time ago because I couldn't understand how you could let so much darkness plagued my life. You took the one person whom I loved more then life itself away from me slowly at first and then all at once. I'd give anything just to see and talk to her again. I know you have a plan for me but I can't see pass the fog. Please God clear the fog from my life and fill it with clarity and peace. I want to come in from the storm. I have strayed too long and I'm ready to come home.

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